The program is platform-independent and runs on a Windows, Linux or Mac operating system. SURFER is the new, Java-based version of the program SURFER2008 that was developed for the IMAGINARY exhibition in the year of Mathematics 2008 in Germany. The great thing about SURFER is that you don’t have to understand the underlying mathematics (algebraic geometry) a priori, you can experiment, try, follow your intuition and creativity and this way learn maths and create unique artwork like pictures or animations. It is available in several languages including German, Spanish, Russian, Serbian, and Portuguese. The program includes a big sample gallery with explanations and a tutorial. You can easily see that the point (x,y,z)=(0,0,0) is not on the sphere while the points (1,0,0), (0,1,0) and (0,0,-1) for example solve the equation. As an example look at x2+y2+z2-1=0, the equation of a sphere. All points in space that solve the equation are displayed and form the surface. The surfaces shown are given by the zero set of a polynomial equation in the variables x, y, and z.
Mathematically, the program visualizes real algebraic geometry in real-time.